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These functions find peaks (local maxima) or valleys (local minima) in a spectrum, using a user selectable size threshold relative to the tallest peak (global maximum). This a wrapper built on top of function peaks from package splus2R.


  ignore_threshold = 0,
  span = 5,
  strict = TRUE,
  x_unit = "",
  x_digits = 3,
  na.rm = FALSE

  ignore_threshold = 0,
  span = 5,
  strict = TRUE,
  x_unit = "",
  x_digits = 3,
  na.rm = FALSE







numeric Value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating the relative size compared to tallest peak threshold below which peaks will be ignored. Negative values set a threshold so that the tallest peaks are ignored, instead of the shortest.


integer A peak is defined as an element in a sequence which is greater than all other elements within a window of width span centered at that element. Use NULL for the global peak.


logical If TRUE, an element must be strictly greater than all other values in its window to be considered a peak.


character Vector of texts to be pasted at end of labels built from x value at peaks.


numeric Number of significant digits in wavelength label.


logical indicating whether NA values should be stripped before searching for peaks.


A data frame with variables w.length and s.irrad with their values at the peaks or valleys plus a character variable of labels.

See also

Other peaks and valleys functions: find_peaks(), find_spikes(), peaks(), replace_bad_pixs(), spikes(), valleys(), wls_at_target()


with(sun.spct, get_peaks(w.length, s.e.irrad))
#>      x         y label
#> 1  321 0.1822031   321
#> 2  330 0.3295190   330
#> 3  335 0.3129253   335
#> 4  340 0.3352353   340
#> 5  343 0.3380052   343
#> 6  347 0.3207918   347
#> 7  350 0.3453572   350
#> 8  354 0.3758625   354
#> 9  360 0.3707068   360
#> 10 366 0.4491898   366
#> 11 370 0.4393233   370
#> 12 378 0.4969714   378
#> 13 381 0.4362110   381
#> 14 385 0.3915446   385
#> 15 391 0.4822105   391
#> 16 395 0.4699886   395
#> 17 402 0.6497388   402
#> 18 409 0.6615421   409
#> 19 412 0.6742498   412
#> 20 416 0.6761818   416
#> 21 421 0.6701269   421
#> 22 426 0.6388873   426
#> 23 436 0.7336607   436
#> 24 442 0.7188581   442
#> 25 451 0.8204633   451
#> 26 457 0.7984935   457
#> 27 461 0.7711277   461
#> 28 468 0.7665312   468
#> 29 472 0.7693357   472
#> 30 475 0.7724634   475
#> 31 478 0.7869773   478
#> 32 482 0.7832759   482
#> 33 490 0.7728111   490
#> 34 495 0.7899872   495
#> 35 506 0.7701737   506
#> 36 509 0.7466557   509
#> 37 512 0.7510876   512
#> 38 516 0.7302733   516
#> 39 525 0.7376088   525
#> 40 531 0.7603297   531
#> 41 536 0.7429248   536
#> 42 545 0.7272464   545
#> 43 552 0.7178863   552
#> 44 555 0.7117599   555
#> 45 563 0.6991590   563
#> 46 568 0.6750915   568
#> 47 573 0.6713390   573
#> 48 577 0.6644287   577
#> 49 582 0.6853736   582
#> 50 597 0.6256272   597
#> 51 600 0.6372767   600
#> 52 605 0.6614323   605
#> 53 612 0.6468436   612
#> 54 621 0.6464099   621
#> 55 638 0.6233510   638
#> 56 642 0.6138918   642
#> 57 653 0.5819163   653
#> 58 662 0.5995383   662
#> 59 668 0.5977089   668
#> 60 674 0.5879885   674
#> 61 692 0.5029201   692
#> 62 697 0.5164799   697
#> 63 704 0.5013394   704
#> 64 712 0.5070675   712
#> 65 722 0.4345295   722
#> 66 727 0.3855997   727
#> 67 734 0.4676589   734
#> 68 744 0.5006212   744
#> 69 747 0.5025733   747
#> 70 751 0.5000141   751
#> 71 754 0.5007593   754
#> 72 774 0.4746771   774
#> 73 777 0.4716414   777
#> 74 782 0.4680026   782
#> 75 794 0.4213304   794
#> 76 798 0.4236281   798
with(sun.spct, get_valleys(w.length, s.e.irrad))
#>      x         y label
#> 1  316 0.1020587   316
#> 2  323 0.1680533   323
#> 3  328 0.2648573   328
#> 4  331 0.2895510   331
#> 5  337 0.2609770   337
#> 6  341 0.3053287   341
#> 7  344 0.2675878   344
#> 8  349 0.2981687   349
#> 9  352 0.3234148   352
#> 10 358 0.2544907   358
#> 11 368 0.3980621   368
#> 12 374 0.3260057   374
#> 13 383 0.2614310   383
#> 14 393 0.2422023   393
#> 15 397 0.2541827   397
#> 16 403 0.6207287   403
#> 17 407 0.5951226   407
#> 18 410 0.5605505   410
#> 19 413 0.6456365   413
#> 20 420 0.5988416   420
#> 21 424 0.6026922   424
#> 22 431 0.4136900   431
#> 23 434 0.6298332   434
#> 24 439 0.6028502   439
#> 25 446 0.6652017   446
#> 26 453 0.6972674   453
#> 27 458 0.7618389   458
#> 28 467 0.7429891   467
#> 29 471 0.7424066   471
#> 30 474 0.7454852   474
#> 31 479 0.7536975   479
#> 32 487 0.6511654   487
#> 33 492 0.6896611   492
#> 34 498 0.7122628   498
#> 35 502 0.6916296   502
#> 36 508 0.7013302   508
#> 37 517 0.6176652   517
#> 38 523 0.6957057   523
#> 39 527 0.6492072   527
#> 40 533 0.6460471   533
#> 41 541 0.6684246   541
#> 42 548 0.6936565   548
#> 43 553 0.6920716   553
#> 44 559 0.6765463   559
#> 45 562 0.6676445   562
#> 46 566 0.6501603   566
#> 47 571 0.6443685   571
#> 48 575 0.6539001   575
#> 49 579 0.6474340   579
#> 50 589 0.5658760   589
#> 51 595 0.6028277   595
#> 52 610 0.6390005   610
#> 53 617 0.6007438   617
#> 54 628 0.5896789   628
#> 55 632 0.5841746   632
#> 56 640 0.5997701   640
#> 57 648 0.5547404   648
#> 58 656 0.4982959   656
#> 59 667 0.5856558   667
#> 60 672 0.5817669   672
#> 61 689 0.4739026   689
#> 62 694 0.4725514   694
#> 63 701 0.4684248   701
#> 64 707 0.4879018   707
#> 65 719 0.3366514   719
#> 66 725 0.3832661   725
#> 67 728 0.3791977   728
#> 68 736 0.4502648   736
#> 69 750 0.4922409   750
#> 70 753 0.4957415   753
#> 71 761 0.1373212   761
#> 72 772 0.4666001   772
#> 73 775 0.4618263   775
#> 74 791 0.4198022   791
#> 75 796 0.4080616   796