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position_dodgenudge() combines into one function the action of position_dodge and position_nudge and position_dodge2nudge() combines into one function the action of position_dodge2 and position_nudge. They are useful when labelling plots such as grouped bars, columns, etc. and when adding dodged to text labels linked to observations plotted without dodge. It can replace other position functions as it is backwards compatible. Like all other position functions in 'ggpp' and 'ggrepel' it preserves the initial position to allow drawing of segments or arrow linking the original position to the displaced one.


  width = 1,
  preserve = c("total", "single"),
  x = 0,
  y = 0,
  direction = c("none", "split", "split.x", "split.y", "center"),
  kept.origin = c("dodged", "original", "none")

  width = 1,
  preserve = c("total", "single"),
  kept.origin = "original"

  width = 1,
  preserve = c("total", "single"),
  kept.origin = "original"

  width = 1,
  preserve = c("total", "single"),
  padding = 0.1,
  reverse = FALSE,
  x = 0,
  y = 0,
  direction = c("none", "split", "split.x", "split.y", "center"),
  kept.origin = c("dodged", "original", "none")



Dodging width, when different to the width of the individual elements. This is useful when you want to align narrow geoms with wider geoms. See the examples.


Should dodging preserve the total width of all elements at a position, or the width of a single element?.

x, y

Amount of vertical and horizontal distance to move. A numeric vector of length 1, or of the same length as rows there are in `data`, with nudge values in data rows order.


One of "none", "split", "split.x" or "split.y". A value of "none" replicates the behavior of position_nudge. At the moment "split" changes the sign of the nudge at zero, which is suitable for column plots with negative slices.


One of "original" or "none".


Padding between elements at the same position. Elements are shrunk by this proportion to allow space between them. Defaults to 0.1.


If TRUE, will reverse the default stacking order. This is useful if you're rotating both the plot and legend.


A "Position" object.


The applied dodge is identical to that by position_dodge or position_dodge2 while nudging is similar to that by position_nudge.

There are two posible uses for these functions. First they can be used to label dodged bars or boxplots. In this case, it is mandatory to use the same argument to width when passing position_dodge() to geom_col() and position_dodgenudge() to geom_text() or geom_label() or their repulsive equivalents. Otherwise the arrows or segments will fail to connect to the labels. In other words jittering is computed twice. Jitter should be identical with the same arguments as position_dodgenudge() as this last function simply call the same code from package 'ggplot2'.

The second use is to dodge labels to be connected to elements that have not been jittered. The return of original positions instead of the dodged ones is achieved by passing origin = "original" instead of the default of origin = "dodged".


Michał Krassowski, edited by Pedro J. Aphalo.


df <- data.frame(x1 = c(1, 2, 1, 3, -1),
                 x2 = c("a", "a", "b", "b", "b"),
                 grp = c("some long name", "other name", "some name",
                         "another name", "some long name"))

# Add labels to a horizontal column plot (stacked by default)
ggplot(data = df, aes(x1, x2, group = grp)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill = grp), width = 0.8,
           position = position_dodge()) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
    aes(label = grp),
    position = position_dodgenudge(x = 0.09, direction = "split", width = 0.8),
    angle = 90, size = 3) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

ggplot(data = df, aes(x2, x1, group = grp)) +
  geom_col(aes(fill = grp), width = 0.75,
           position = position_dodge(width = 0.75)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(aes(label = grp),
            position = position_dodgenudge(y = 0.1,
                                           direction = "split",
                                           width = 0.75),
            size = 3) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")