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Set R options used when plotting spectra. Option "photobiology.plot.annotations" is used as default argument to formal parameter annotations and option "photobiology.plot.bands" is used as default argument to formal parameter in all the autoplot() methods exported from package 'ggspectra'. These convenience functions make it easier to edit these two option which are stored as a vector of characters strings and a list of waveband objects, respectively.


set_annotations_default(annotations = NULL)

set_w.band_default( = NULL)



character vector Annotations to add or remove from defaults used by the autoplot() methods defined in this package..

a single waveband object or a list of waveband objects.


Previous value of option "photobiology.plot.annotations", returned invisibly.


The syntax used and behaviour are the same as for the annotations parameter of the autoplot() methods for spectra, but instead of affecting a single plot, set_annotations_default() changes the default used for subsequent calls to autoplot().

Plot Annotations

The recognized annotation names are: "summaries", "peaks", "peak.labels", "valleys", "valley.labels", "wls", "wls.labels", "", "", "boxes", "segments", "labels". In addition, "+" is interpreted as a request to add to the already present default annotations, "-" as request to remove annotations and "=" or missing"+" and "-" as a request to reset annotations to those requested. If used, "+", "-" or "=" must be the first member of a character vector, and followed by one or more of the names given above. To simultaneously add and remove annotations one can pass a list containing character vectors each assembled as described. The vectors are applied in the order they appear in the list. To disable all annotations pass "" or c("=", "") as argument. Adding a variation of an annotation already present, replaces the existing one automatically: e.g., adding "peak.labels" replaces"peaks" if present.

Title Annotations

metadata retrieved from object object is paased to ggplot2::ggtitle() as arguments for title, subtitle and caption. The specification for the title is passed as argument to annotations, and consists in the keyword title with optional modifiers selecting the kind of metatdata to use, separated by colons. Up to three keywords separated by colons are accepted, and correspond to title, subtitle and caption. The recognized keywords are: "objt", "class", "what", "when", "where", "how", "", "", "comment" and "none" are recognized as modifiers to "title"; "none" is a placeholder. Default is "title:objt" or no title depending on the context.