Correct cps readings for stray light, using either measured stray light, or using a non-excited region of the detector array.
stray.light.method = "original",
stray.light.wl = c(218.5, 228.5),
flt.dark.wl = c(193, 209.5),
flt.ref.wl = c(360, 379.5),
flt.Tfr = 1,
trim = 0.05,
filter.nir.adjust = FALSE,
hdr.tolerance = getOption("ooacquire.hdr.tolerance", default = 0.1),
verbose = getOption("photobiology.verbose", default = FALSE)
stray.light.wl = c(218.5, 228.5),
flt.dark.wl = c(193, 209.5),
flt.ref.wl = NULL,
flt.Tfr = 1,
trim = 0,
hdr.tolerance = getOption("ooacquire.hdr.tolerance", default = 0.1),
verbose = getOption("photobiology.verbose", default = FALSE)
- x, flt
cps_spct objects, containing spectral data from which to subtract stray light, and measured stray light, respectively.
- stray.light.method
Method variant used, "original" (Ylianttila), "simple", "full", "sun", "raw", "none".
- stray.light.wl
numeric vector of length 2 giving the range of wavelengths to use for the final stray light correction.
- flt.dark.wl, flt.ref.wl
numeric vectors of length 2 giving the ranges of wavelengths to use for the "dark" and "illuminated" regions of the array in the filter correction.
- flt.Tfr
numeric fractional transmittance of the filter to the source of stray light, used only for method "simple".
- trim
a numeric value to be used as argument for mean
- filter.nir.adjust
logical Flag indicating if the cps in the "filter" reference spectrum need to be adjust based on NIR region cps in the "light" spectrum. EXPERIMENTAL!!
- hdr.tolerance
numeric Tolerance for mean deviation among cps columns as a fraction of one. Used in check of HDR consistency.
- verbose
Logical indicating the level of warnings wanted.