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Functions that convert or add related physical quantities to filter_spct or object_spct objects. transmittance (fraction) into absorptance (fraction).


any2T(x, action = "add", clean = FALSE)

any2A(x, action = "add", clean = FALSE)

any2Afr(x, action = "add", clean = FALSE)



an filter_spct or a filter_mspct object.


character Allowed values "replace" and "add".


logical replace off-boundary values before conversion


A copy of x with the columns for the different quantities added or replaced. If action = "replace", in all cases, the additional columns are removed, even if no column needs to be added.


These functions are dispatchers for A2T, Afr2T, T2A, and T2Afr. The dispatch is based on the names of the variables stored in x. They do not support in-place modification of x.

See also

Other quantity conversion functions: A2T(), Afr2T(), T2A(), T2Afr(), as_quantum(), e2q(), e2qmol_multipliers(), e2quantum_multipliers(), q2e()


#> Object: object_spct [2,401 x 4]
#> Wavelength range 250-850 nm, step 0.25 nm 
#> Label: Ler_06_black.spct 
#> Measured on 2017-07-03 13:17:09.548817 UTC 
#> Variables:
#>  w.length: Wavelength [nm]
#>  Tfr: Total spectral transmittance [/1]
#>  Rfr: Total spectral reflectance [/1]
#>  Afr: Spectral absorptance [/1] 
#> --
#> # A tibble: 2,401 × 4
#>    w.length   Tfr    Rfr   Afr
#>       <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1     250      0 0.0467 0.953
#>  2     250.     0 0.0467 0.953
#>  3     250.     0 0.0467 0.953
#>  4     251.     0 0.0467 0.953
#>  5     251      0 0.0467 0.953
#>  6     251.     0 0.0467 0.953
#>  7     252.     0 0.0467 0.953
#>  8     252.     0 0.0467 0.953
#>  9     252      0 0.0467 0.953
#> 10     252.     0 0.0467 0.953
#> # ℹ 2,391 more rows
#> Warning: 'A2T()' not implemented for class "object_spct".
#> Object: object_spct [2,401 x 3]
#> Wavelength range 250-850 nm, step 0.25 nm 
#> Label: Ler_06_black.spct 
#> Measured on 2017-07-03 13:17:09.548817 UTC 
#> Variables:
#>  w.length: Wavelength [nm]
#>  Tfr: Total spectral transmittance [/1]
#>  Rfr: Total spectral reflectance [/1] 
#> --
#> # A tibble: 2,401 × 3
#>    w.length   Tfr    Rfr
#>       <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     250      0 0.0467
#>  2     250.     0 0.0467
#>  3     250.     0 0.0467
#>  4     251.     0 0.0467
#>  5     251      0 0.0467
#>  6     251.     0 0.0467
#>  7     252.     0 0.0467
#>  8     252.     0 0.0467
#>  9     252      0 0.0467
#> 10     252.     0 0.0467
#> # ℹ 2,391 more rows
#> Object: filter_spct [454 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 240-800 nm, step 1-4 nm 
#> Label: Polyester, clear film, 0.000125 m thick, Autostat CT5 from McDermit Autotype; new 
#> Rfr (/1): 0.074, thickness (mm): 0.125, attenuation mode: absorption.
#> Variables:
#>  w.length: Wavelength [nm]
#>  Tfr: Total spectral transmittance [/1] 
#> --
#> # A tibble: 454 × 2
#>    w.length     Tfr
#>       <int>   <dbl>
#>  1      240 0.00482
#>  2      241 0.00464
#>  3      242 0.00446
#>  4      244 0.00414
#>  5      246 0.004  
#>  6      248 0.004  
#>  7      252 0.00386
#>  8      256 0.00329
#>  9      258 0.003  
#> 10      259 0.003  
#> # ℹ 444 more rows