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A dataset containing wavelengths at a 1 nm interval and spectral response as quantum efficiency for CCD sensor type S11071/S10420 from Hamamatsu (measured without a quartz window). These vectors are frequently used as sensors in high-UV-sensitivity vector spectrometers. Data digitized from manufacturer's data sheet. The original data is expressed as percent quantum efficiency with a value of 77% at the peak. The data have been re-expressed as fractions of one.




A response_spct object with 186 rows and 2 variables


  • w.length (nm).

  • s.q.response (fractional quantum efficiency)


Hamamatsu (2014) Datasheet: CCD Image Sensors S11071/S10420-01 Series. Hamamatsu Photonics KK, Hamamatsu, City. Visited 2017-12-15.


#> Object: response_spct [186 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 205.79574-1100 nm, step 0.01435549-11.42326 nm 
#> Label: CCD linear image sensor 
#> Variables:
#>  w.length: Wavelength [nm]
#>  s.q.response: Spectral photon response [mol-1 s m2 nm] 
#> --
#> # A tibble: 186 × 2
#>    w.length s.q.response
#>       <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1     206.        0.623
#>  2     206.        0.632
#>  3     208.        0.604
#>  4     208.        0.614
#>  5     209.        0.593
#>  6     211.        0.584
#>  7     220.        0.579
#>  8     224.        0.587
#>  9     227.        0.597
#> 10     229.        0.607
#> # ℹ 176 more rows