Convert hyperSpec::hyperSpec
objects containing VIS and UV radiation
data into spectral objects (xxxx_spct, xxxx_mspct) as defined in package
'photobiology' and vice versa, preserving as much information as possible. As
can contain other kinds of spectral data, it does make sense
to use these functions only with objects containing data that can be handled
by both packages.
hyperSpec2mspct(x, member.class,, multiplier = 1, ...)
hyperSpec2spct(x, multiplier = 1, ...)
mspct2hyperSpec(x,, multiplier = 1, ...)
spct2hyperSpec(x, = NULL, multiplier = 1, ...)
- x
hyperSpec object
- member.class
character One of the spectrum classes defined in package 'photobiology'.
character The name to be used for the 'spc' data when constructing the spectral objects.
- multiplier
numeric A multiplier to be applied to the 'spc' data to do unit or scale conversion. For example "a.u." units in some examples in package 'hyperSpec' seem to have scale factors applied.
- ...
currently ignored.
Objects of class hyperSpec::hyperSpec
contain metadata or class
data from which the quantity measured and the units of expression can be
obtained. However, units as included in the objects are not well
documented making automatic conversion difficult. When using this function
the user may need to use parameter multiplier
to scale the data to
what is expected by the object constructors defined in package
'photobiology' and use parameter
to select the
objects may use memory more efficiently
than spectral objects of the classes for collections of spectra defined in
package 'photobiology' as wavelengths are assumed to be the same for all
member spectra, and stored only once while this assumption is not made for
collections of spectra, allowing different wavelengths and lengths for the
component spectra. Wavelengths are stored for each spectrum, but as
spectral classes are derived from 'tbl_df' in many cases no redundant
copies of wavelength data will be made in memory in spite of the more
flexible semantics of the objects.
Always check the sanity of the imported or exported data values, as guessing is needed when matching the different classes, and the functions defined here are NOT guaranteed to return valid data wihtout help from the user through optional function arguments.
# example run only if 'hyperSpec' is available
if (requireNamespace("hyperSpec", quietly = TRUE)) {
wl(laser) <-
list(wl = 1e7 / (1/405e-7 - wl (laser)),
label = expression (lambda / nm))
laser.mspct <- hyperSpec2mspct(laser, "source_spct", "s.e.irrad")
#> Loading required package: lattice
#> Loading required package: grid
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Loading required package: xml2
#> Package hyperSpec, version 0.100.2
#> To get started, try
#> vignette ("hyperspec")
#> package?hyperSpec
#> vignette (package = "hyperSpec")
#> If you use this package please cite it appropriately.
#> citation("hyperSpec")
#> will give you the correct reference.
#> The project homepage is
#> Attaching package: 'hyperSpec'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:colorSpec':
#> bind
#> [1] "source_mspct" "generic_mspct" "list"