Generalized Plant Action BSWF of Caldwell [1] as formulated by Micheletti et al. [2]
a waveband object wavelength defining wavelength range, weighting function and normalization wavelength.
In the original publication [2] describing the formulation, the long-end wavelength boundary is specified as 313.3 nm. This is the default used here. However, in some cases it is of interest to vary this limit in sensitivity analyses. The effect on the RAF and doses of changing this boundary is substantial, and has been analysed by Micheletti et al. [3].
[1]Caldwell, M. M. (1971) Solar UV irradiation and the growth and development of higher plants. In Giese, A. C. (Ed.) Photophysiology, Academic Press, 1971, 6, 131-177
[2] Micheletti, M. I.; Piacentini, R. D. & Madronich, S. (2003) Sensitivity of Biologically Active UV Radiation to Stratospheric Ozone Changes: Effects of Action Spectrum Shape and Wavelength Range Photochemistry and Photobiology, 78, 456-461