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Function to set the "thickness" attribute and simultaneously converting the spectral data to correspond to the new thickness.


convertThickness(x, thickness = NULL)



a filter_spct, object_spct, filter_mspct or object_mspct object.


numeric [\(m\)].


x possibly with the "thickness" field of the "" attribute modified and Tfr or A computed for the requested thickness.


For spectral transmittance at a different thickness to be exactly computed, it needs to be based on internal transmittance. This function will apply converTfrType() to x if needed, but to succeed metadata should be available. Please, see convertTfrType.


if x is not a filter_spct, object_spct, filter_mspct or object_mspct object or a collection of such objects, x is returned unchanged. If x does not have the "" attribute set or has it with missing member data, x is returned with Tfr set to NA values.

See also

Other time attribute functions: checkTimeUnit(), convertTimeUnit(), getTimeUnit(), setTimeUnit()


my.spct <- polyester.spct
#> Rfr (/1): 0.074, thickness (mm): 0.125, attenuation mode: absorption.
convertThickness(my.spct, thickness = 250e-6)
#> Object: filter_spct [454 x 2]
#> Wavelength range 240-800 nm, step 1-4 nm 
#> Label: Polyester, clear film, 0.000125 m thick, Autostat CT5 from McDermit Autotype; new 
#> Rfr (/1): 0.074, thickness (mm): 0.250, attenuation mode: absorption.
#> Variables:
#>  w.length: Wavelength [nm]
#>  Tfr: Total spectral transmittance [/1] 
#> --
#> # A tibble: 454 × 2
#>    w.length        Tfr
#>       <int>      <dbl>
#>  1      240 0.0000251 
#>  2      241 0.0000233 
#>  3      242 0.0000215 
#>  4      244 0.0000185 
#>  5      246 0.0000173 
#>  6      248 0.0000173 
#>  7      252 0.0000161 
#>  8      256 0.0000117 
#>  9      258 0.00000972
#> 10      259 0.00000972
#> # ℹ 444 more rows